Sunday, January 1, 2017

Teaching Kindergarten Math : Teaching Kids Math with a Number Grid

About this time, it's great to make a nice big whole amount grid poster. You can manufacture one maybe about with 4 sheets of eight 1/2 x 11. If you're personal computers savvy, you can do it on your computer and blow it up at a copy arrange. Or you could just break away the ruler, take a black magic marker and correctly manufacture yourself a smart amount grid 1 to 100. You'll is my finding that you can use this for many different things throughout their additive learning process. But the first thing is with math, with supplementing and subtracting, it's very nifty to see how the numbers fit on the amount grid with increasing and subtracting. So here we have my smaller number network, you can originate yours bigger. If you want to use it over and over and be able to write on it, it's good to get wise laminated, and then implementation wipe away markers to write so you can always erase your observes and have a new amount grid again.

Or you can make this, leave it an 8 1/2 x 11 form and run off a bunch of photos follows and then you can keep playing with it. But for additive, let's answer we have 5+7. Start with the 5. Now 5+7 is a little bit harder so let's start with 5, count up 7. Start moving as you weigh, tell them. We're at 5, now consider 7. 1, we run on the 1, we don't tally while we're on the 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 5+7= 12. You can do that with subtraction too. 14 -6. Start with the 14 and tally, this time with subtraction, teach them that you weigh downwards. 14 -6, start counting as you move. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 14 -6 is 8. It'll work with skip counting later on. You can curve different amounts and you can just implementation this thing for thousands and thousands of different hear undertakings.

From: Expert: Matt Moskal
Bio: Matt Moskal is a free-lance artist with a BA in Elementary / Special Education.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

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