Hi, people, it's Emily, and this week's theme on SevenSuperGirls is holiday DIYs. So I'm going to be demonstrating you guys three vacation DIYs that you can make at home. So let's get started. OK, so the first DIY that I'm going to be shaping are Christmas personas. So I'm going to be shaping, with wooden spoons, a reindeer, a snowman, and Father Christmas. The happens you're going to necessitate are three wooden spoons, some paint brushings, and you're going to requirement some acrylic paint, and I'll establish you which paints you'll is necessary to each spoonful as we go along, and you're likewise going to need white-hot pom-poms. So let's go. OK, so the first thing I'm going to be doing is painting all the spoons with their base color, so I'm going to be doing the reindeer first, and I'm going to be painting the whole thing chocolate-brown. So let's go. I'm going to wash the foot the members of the spoonful once the entire spoonful is dry because that would be easier. So I'll leave the spoon in this old glass for it to dry, and you're going to get some on your hands.
And now I'm going to do the other two spoons. OK, so I've just done the white-hot one for the snowman, and now I'm going to do the Father Christmas one. I'm just drawing an outline of where I'm going to paint, so here is going to be red-faced, and then up here is going to be his skin. So right here is going to be where his hat starts.
OK, so now I'm going to leave these to dry for about an hour, and then I'm going to do the finishing details. OK, so I left these spoons to dry for the purposes of an hour, and now I'm going to be doing the finishing details on them. So first I'm going to be doing the snowman, and I'm going to be putting on the eyes, the mouth, and the nose, and buttons down here. So, yes. I just finished doing the snowman, and he appears so cute. And to finish it off, I'm going to apply this ribbon around his cervix as a scarf. And here we have it, the finished snowman. Now I'm going to do the reindeer and the Father Christmas. OK, so I just finished doing all of the wooden spoons, and I love the way they turned out. They're so cute. For the next DIY, I'm going to be shaping polar suffer cakes. What you're going to require are muffins-- you can either buy these or become them, I've chosen to buy them. I have some white-hot ready-to-roll icing, some vanilla icing, some black gel meat color, and some coconut.
If you don't like coconut, you can give white-hot chocolate shavings. Let's get started. OK, so the first thing I'm going to be doing is creating a nose on the muffin for the polar bear's nose, and I'm going to be doing this with the white-hot icing. OK, so after establishing a nose influence, I'm going to be establishing two ears. Now I have a basic summarize of the characteristic of the polar suffer, so now what I'm going to be doing it considering the whole thing in vanilla icing. OK, so now I've embraced the whole thing in icing, what I'm going to be doing is putting coconut all over the face. Now I've created the look, I want so what I'm going to be doing is putting on the eyes and nose with the gel food coloring. OK, so I just finished the polar suffer cupcakes, and they search so well. And now we're going to be doing the next DIY. For this DIY, what I'm going to be shaping is a joyous mason jar.
The happens you're going to require are, you're going to be a big mason cup. I have some snowflake stickers, and these are going to go on the outside the cup. I have this tag to moves all over the lid, which tells Merry Christmas. I have some baubles. I have some amber and copper colored ones, which are going to go inside. I have some fairy lighters, some little pom poms which look like snow pellets. It's going to look so cute inside. And then I have these Christmas seemed figures, and I got these from a craftsmanship store. I've got Christmas trees, snowmen, and snowflakes-- happens like that. And then likewise to go around the lid, I have some ribbon. Start it off by putting the battery jam-pack of the fairy lighters on the bottom so that I can set the pom poms on top. I'm going to put in the fairy lights. Now I've done that, I'm going to put in a few baubles. So I correctly put in some of the experience snowflakes and happens, and I'm going to carry on putting a few more of them in, and then likewise to be completed I'll applied a few more pom poms on top.
I've just finished filling up the whole mason cup, and now what I'm going to be doing is putting on these stickers around the outside of it. What I'm going to do around the top of it, is I'm going to apply some ribbon and this Merry Christmas tag. Here we have the finished mason cup. I love it, I think it examines so Christmasy. And what I'm going to do now is I'm going to turn the lighters off so you can see what it looks like in the dark.
I hope you guys enjoyed this week's video, and if you want a shout out next week, comment down below your favorite DIY that I constituted. My personal favorite is these wooden spoons. I'll see you guys next week. Bye.
From: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj2HtBTppiQLVrZfEjcFxig
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