Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Here’s What To Do If You Find A Tick Bite

Two local kids were sent to the ICUthis week after being diagnosed with Lyme disease.  It's a tick-borne illness that can cause all kinds of complications.  The kids were treated for inflammation of the heart muscle at Children's Hospital.  The were diagnosed with the uptick in this case which is great cause for concern.

The are doing okay and they are really concerning everyone because it's not very often we've ever had two children with cardiac involvement in the hospital at the same time.  There appears to be a rise in cases of Lyme associated cardiac involvement this year.  Health officials say they expect to see about 500  cases or more this year.

If you find a tick on yourself or on your kids, that does not automatically mean that you have Lyme disease.  In fact, there's something you can do to make sure you don't get it.  Health director Dr. Maria Simbra has other advice on this Tick problem.  A tick well attached to your skin, swollen with its meal there is something you can do to prevent Lyme disease,

If you find a tick attached to you before the disease has infected the body a single dose of the antibiotic is sufficient, to prevent the infection from taking hold.

 Studies show 85% reduction in the cases of Lyme disease if you get a 200-milligram dose at the time of the tick bite.  It's not for everyone who happens to notice a tick bite.  The doctors have to be sure it was a tick carrying the bacteria which caused Lyme disease. It has to be a specific kind of tick that carries the disease.It has to be and engorged tick and you have to seek treatment within 72 hours.  If you have a bulls-eye rash it's a signal to get a preventative treatment.